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Essential Wellness Insights

Day 7 of Dynamic Detox

It’s the 7th and final day of the restrictive phase of the Dynamic Detox and I woke feeling fantastic!!!! No headache, no brain fog, and lots of energy. I’m so relieved. Grady has been a little tired today and when he tried to make a second cup of coffee he forgot to put his cup under the stream, lol, serves him right since he’s only allowed one a day! He ended up having a cup of green tea. We still can only manage 3 of the Dynamic Detox drinks, even though they are tasty.

In the evening we zoomed with friends we made in an intensive 2 month class, they were assigned to the east coast and we were assigned to Cleveland, despite the distance it was wonderful to hang out with them on a Saturday night, yay zoom!

What we ate-

Breakfast– Dynamic Detox drink

Lunch– Grady had jackfruit yellow curry. I had Misir wat, a huge bowl of it! Topped with spiced clarified butter.

Afternoon snack– Dynamic Detox beverage.

Dinner– Misir wat and tikel gomen (spiced cabbage).

After dinner snack– Dynamic Detox beverage.