Posted 07.09.2020
This program is said to support your body’s natural metabolic detoxification processes. It provides ample fuel so you’re not left feeling drained but revitalized!
Posted 08.09.2020
We survived day one! Actually it was very easy, the only thing we missed was happy hour in the hammock chair overlooking the creek running through our backyard. We replaced that by connecting with family over zoom. We’ve also decided to “detox” our belongings by going though one box a night. Because we’ve lived so much of our adult life out of the country we haven’t accumulated much, but there is still plenty to detox! Funny how that happens…
Here’s what we ate:
Green Smoothie (click for recipes)
Collagen Tea latte (I replaced my usual jasmine tea with “my morning mate” from Teavana)
Alaskan Wild-caught salmon, pan fried in olive oil spray with a squeeze of lemon, with a tomato salad (plenty coming up in the garden) dressed with a pinch of salt, olive oil spray and fresh basil. Easy!
“Taco salad” with pinto beans dressed with exotic green stuff (my moms name for anything guacamole related)
Apple, handful of nuts, vegan chocolate protein shake with almond milk and peppermint tea.
This morning we woke to a massive thunderstorm and only slightly less massive headaches, I think the message is we need to up the water intake for day 2!
Posted 07.09.2020
This program is said to support your body’s natural metabolic detoxification processes. It provides ample fuel so you’re not left feeling drained but revitalized!